Published in Outfits
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How to Choose My Wedding Colors

How to Choose My Wedding Colors

You may already know how important it is to choose the colors you want at your wedding. Having a color scheme for your wedding is really important as it will give a unified impression and perfect harmony. Keep in mind that colors express different things, so the choice of these must coincide with what you want to express.

It is very important to define the theme of the wedding as well as the colors that you want to accompany you on that special day, since it will be the basis for later choosing the table linens, the invitations, the flowers and the decorations, among other things.

You are wondering: how to choose the colors of my wedding? The answer is simple, but if you still have doubts, these tips can help you:

Instructions to choose the colors of my wedding

  1. Your wedding color scheme will consist of a few colors, a main color either light or dark that will be the base and one or two accent colors. Keep in mind that if you choose the dark base color it can be tiresome and overload the place, so the most chosen choice is to choose a dark base such as beige or white and a striking or darker color as an accent color.
  2. Normally the tastes and preferences of the couple are key when choosing colors. The truth is that many times the favorite color of the groom or the bride or even both is chosen to create the atmosphere, but it is not the only option. There are incredible colors waiting to be chosen. You can sit in front of a range of colors or a pantone and choose different colors. With this first choice you will be able to see which color gives you the best feeling, inspires you or goes best with you.
  3. When choosing it is also important that you take into account the chosen theme. The chosen colors will not be the same in a rustic wedding as in a medieval wedding, in the first brown, beige and green are the most predominant; on the other hand in a medieval-themed wedding the striking colors will be what most call the attention.
  4. Do not forget to keep in mind the place of celebration. It may already be highly decorated. Observe the aesthetics, architecture and decoration of this place so that you have the colors present and you can choose a range of colors that combine well with those already present in this way all the colors will complement each other creating harmony and an elegant and well- cared-look. The important thing is to enhance the beauty of the place (that's why you chose it) and the colors you choose should enhance the style of the place.
  5. Another factor to take into account is the season of the year in which you will get married, since summer colors are not the same as winter colors. In addition, the flowers that you can use are also different, so if you have already thought of some type of floral arrangement, focus on whether you will find it in that season and on the color that predominates in it.
  6. One option is to choose a monochromatic scheme, that is, choose the colors of the wedding related to each other and following the same hue. An example would be mixing white with beige, raw yellow, mustard yellow, or a baby yellow.
  7. If what you want is to choose different colors in the color range, a good choice is to choose complementary colors, that is, choose the colors that are close to each other on the color wheel, in this way you will ensure that they combine perfectly.
  8. If you are more risky you can also opt for the opposite colors. It consists of choosing a color that you really like and then choosing the one that is on the opposite side of the color wheel to combine
  9. Keep in mind that if your bridesmaids will be dressed in the accent color, it should look good on them and not turn off their faces, but flatter them.
  10. Color must be used with care, for details such as bows, wedding invitations, flowers, napkins, etc. Harmony is paramount, so avoid going too overboard with accent colors.
  11. Also, do not choose colors that are too bright for the cake, since they take away from the elegance and are usually more common in less formal events. Cakes with very bright colors tend to attract less attention when eating.

What do you need to choose the colors of my wedding?

  • Color range.
  • Place of celebration.
  • Color wheel.
  • Other personal considerations.

Tips for choosing the colors of my wedding

  • Don't forget to add greenery to flower arrangements; it will give a feeling of naturalness and freshness to the decoration.
  • Avoid choosing too many colors as they can turn your beautiful wedding into a shabby and sloppy affair.
  • Colors affect mood, so keep that in mind when choosing colors as well.
  • Do not choose colors with which you do not identify or feel comfortable. Also take into account your culture and the culture of your family.
